Thursday, February 17, 2011

Track Selection - Target Audience - Schedule

nTrack: Five for Fighting - 100 Years
nTells a story - this should dictate the illustrative style.

Official Video Link:

The underlying message of the track:
Age/Numbers/Life's Journey - (Life goes by too fast)

Target Audience: There will be a variety of people that could appreciate and enjoy the final proposed product/piece.

The main areas the product will cater for or be aimed at are:
  1. The Band's / Artist's fans
  2. Music Memorabilia Collectors
  3. Age Group = undefined (The track's lyrics range from ages 10-100 so the piece could be aimed at anyone in between these ages)
The product also has the potential to encompass a retro feel which would cater for both markets as:
  • It would enable the older market to relive their younger nostalgic memories
  • While modern retro design is currently seen as old school cool by the younger generation

Production Schedule:

The pivotal tasks to enable progression in the above gantt chart are:
  • Finalising The Illustration
  • Prototyping The Final Piece
  • & Implementing all the final ideas together

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